Mikhail Davis

Mikhail Davis is Director of Technical Sustainability at Interface. He is responsible for advancing Interface’s globally recognized Mission Zero and Climate Take Back commitments in the Americas by building internal leadership capacity and creating external partnerships that shift the market toward sustainability. He also chairs the LEED Materials & Resources Technical Advisory Group for the US Green Building Council. Previously, he served as manager to environmental icon David Brower and spent five years with Blu Skye Sustainability Consulting building sustainable business strategies for Fortune 500 companies. He holds a B.S. in Earth Systems from Stanford University and is a certified Biomimicry Specialist.

What the U.S. Government’s Focus on Embodied Carbon Means for Buildings

March 21, 2023

The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act in 2022 made specifying low-carbon building materials and products a vital component of the federal government’s strategy to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. While the stipulations and requirements in the Act are still in the process of being implemented, now is the time for those responsible for selecting building…

Three Big Myths About Chemicals in Carpet

February 15, 2019

Thanks to LEED and other popular green building standards, you know that looking for certified low off-gassing carpet is the first step to selecting a “healthier” carpet. But after “low-VOC,” what do you look for next? At the moment, the world of commercial interiors is squarely focused on issues of “healthy materials” and product ingredients.…

Sustainable Plastics: Oxymoron or Responsible Approach?

September 26, 2017

A new vision for plastics: green chemistry, the circular economy, and a climate fit for life. When reviewing recent news about plastic waste filling the oceans, toxic additives leaching from plastic products, and the impacts of fossil fueled global warming, making a plastic product – like Interface’s modular flooring – sustainable can begin to seem…