Keen to put Human Centred Design into practice? Here’s how Interface can help.

We spend up to 90% of our lives in buildings. Being cooped up indoors is often harmful to our health and wellbeing – a fact that has never been more apparent now that scores of people around the world are adjusting to working and learning from home. The good news is that we can design beautiful, functional spaces that directly address these impacts.

Interface has been a longstanding advocate of Human Centred Design. By incorporating nature into our built environment, we can design inspirational and restorative places that connect people to their surroundings. Over 50 studies worldwide, including our Human Spaces research studies (the first led by organisational psychologist Professor Sir Cary Cooper and the second by environmental consulting firm Terrapin Bright Green), have proven the positive effects that nature, or environments that mimic nature, have on users’ physical and mental health. This is why we are constantly looking out for ways to help others create biophilic spaces.

On 29 April, Interface ran a webinar for architects and designers based in Singapore, hosted by our Southeast Asia Design Studio Manager, Serene Lin, and Biophilic Design and wellbeing expert Oliver Heath. This was part of a series of virtual sessions that we are hosting for our customers worldwide to share the benefits and challenges of Human Centred Design, and the materials available for anyone wishing to put it into practice.

Oliver Heath is an industry-recognised Biophilic Design and wellbeing expert.

Serene Lin leads Interface’s Design Studio in Southeast Asia. Trained in textile design and visual communications, Serene ran a handcrafted accessories business prior to joining Interface.

We were thrilled by the opportunity to speak to over 270 design practitioners who joined the webinar, and grateful for the enriching exchange of ideas.

“It was fantastic speaking with Interface’s customers in Singapore – and so many at once!” said Oliver. “We received some great questions around the perceptions of Human Centred Design and ways to implement it at different scales and budgets, the impact of Covid-19 on workplace design, and how we can harness emerging technology to enhance biophilic design features. It was a great informative discussion and I am already looking forward to the next one.”

“Even though Biophilic Design is not a new topic, it is still very relevant, especially in the current situation,” Serene said. “This was definitely a good opportunity for us to check in with our architecture and design contacts during our Singapore Circuit Breaker. It was my first time hosting a customer webinar with Oliver, who wowed everyone with his insights and expertise.”

Here is what two of our participants had to say about the session:

“Thanks for sharing the webinar. It was extremely helpful and inspiring. I’ll visit the Interface website for the notes and more info.” – Karen Gutlay, Index Design

“Thank you very much for the follow up. It was a great sharing session by the way. Looking forward to your next webinars.” – Stéphane Lasserre, B+H Architects

Many also told us that the content they acquired during the webinar was “new”, “inspiring” and “relevant”.

So successful was our Singapore event that we will be repeating it on Thursday 28th May, exclusively for Interface customers from across Southeast Asia. Register here now to secure your place!

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