Climate Optimism in the Face of Political Change

I’m writing to express my continued belief in Climate Optimism and our mission to create a climate fit for life. Despite the recent announcement that the United States would withdraw from the Paris Accord, I believe the world has awoken to the very real threat of climate change. And, Interface has an important role to play in this new movement.

Candidly, I’m disappointed with the United States’ position, and we, as Interface, encouraged the Administration to stay in the Paris Accord. However, we know from our journey over the past 23 years that life-changing movements do not require governmental policies or mandates. Now we must shine our light that business can operate in a way that reverses global warming.

Climate experts believe we can reverse global warming. In a recent survey, 95% of climate experts from around the world think our mission, Climate Take Back, is possible and provided examples of where and how this is already happening. Interface must be the voice of optimism to unleash human ingenuity in finding meaningful solutions.

95% of climate experts

Last week in London, Interface unveiled a first-of-its-kind prototype “carbon negative” carpet tile. Our “Proof Positive” carpet tile demonstrates how our material usage and manufacturing practices store more carbon dioxide than if it had not been manufactured. While still in prototype phase, this product indicates what is possible with Climate Take Back.

For nearly 25 years, Interface has pioneered the sustainability movement. Well, we need to step up once again, because now doing no harm is simply not enough. Please engage in our new mission, Climate Take Back. Become the voice of Climate Optimism in your community and in your work.

Jay Gould
Interface, Inc.

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