
July 25, 2023

Our Trend Report from Clerkenwell Design Week 2023

Clerkenwell Design Week was another successful one for Interface, as we previewed new collections and led conversations on the shift from design focused on humans to that which puts all life at the centre – all from our beautiful Pennybank showroom in the heart of Clerkenwell. It was a whirlwind week of fascinating discussions and…

July 13, 2023

Transparency and Measurable Results are the Future

Climate change, with its increasing weather extremes, such as floods, extreme heat, and drought, is increasing the pressure by politicians and society to build buildings more sustainably. No surprise, as buildings are responsible for 40% of emissions and 33% of resource consumption worldwide. In Germany alone, 55% of waste generation is caused by construction and…

June 5, 2023

Solutions to Reduce Building Materials’ Carbon Footprint

Climate change and its consequences have arrived in the building sector. In addition to energy consumption in the ‘use’ phase, the focus is increasingly on the emissions related to the building materials themselves – the so-called Embodied Carbon. These are the emissions caused during the production of building materials, transport and the actual construction of…

January 18, 2023

HeadFirst: The Floor as a Connector

HR services provider HeadFirst Group has unveiled its new headquarters in Hoofddorp, the Netherlands. The company asked architecture firm Fokkema & Partners to renovate the former ANWB building – a well-known location in the north of the Netherlands. To support HeadFirst’s sustainability ambitions, 1,950m2 of Interface’s Embodied Beauty carbon negative carpet tiles (as measured from cradle to gate) were specified throughout the space, connecting the building with the values of the company.

August 15, 2022

Sustainability Unravelled – Science-based Targets: What Do They Mean

When it comes to climate change, it is essential that we balance pledges with proven progress. The saying goes that you cannot manage what you cannot measure, but at times the way we measure things such as greenhouse gas reductions, and the language we use to describe them, can seem complex and full of jargon…

August 5, 2022

Regenerative Design: how do you design in times of uncertainty?

Regenerative design represents a proactive approach to reversing climate change. It’s about protecting biodiversity, innovating with nature and empowering communities to act and, in turn, make a real difference. It’s also a shift away from seeing sustainability as ‘less harm’ and focussing on actively attempting to repair our planet so that future generations can not…

August 5, 2022

Sustainability Unravelled – The Circular Economy: An End to Take-Make-Waste

For years, the world’s industries have been dominated by a linear, degenerative and destructive economy. We took the Earth’s materials, made them into things we needed or wanted, used them for a while, and then threw them away – the relationship between resources and products existing in a one-way flow of traffic, designed to extract…

August 2, 2022

Creating Sustainable Interiors: turning commitment into action

Last year’s COP26 saw an encouraging number of companies from the built environment sector committing to a reduction in carbon emissions – but what does this mean for architects and designers in their everyday lives? How can they specify spaces that prioritise sustainability?  As part of Interface’s programme of events at this year’s Clerkenwell Design…