+Positive spaces

September 18, 2017

Built freedom: the new headquarters of Philips in Hamburg

Breaking new ground is only possible by making changes. Initiating the process and successfully shaping change calls for boldness, determination and a new way of thinking from everyone involved. This was the challenge that Philips DACH faced while planning the relocation of its headquarters in northern Hamburg, Germany. A smooth transition from traditional to modern was the…

August 7, 2017

Shake the Cobwebs Loose: A Design Tour of Chicago

For a guy like me who has teams of people working on two showrooms and a massive party venue, the Friday before NeoCon isn’t a good time for a boondoggle. That is unless the talented and convincing guys that produce the highly entertaining “Lunch and Learn” for Designer Pages call you to hang. Then it’s time…

June 22, 2017

A Positive Space to to Learn and Develop: The Garden School, Hackney

There is a wealth of evidence that harnessing a child’s innate attraction to the natural world through biophilic design can improve their physiological and psychological health. But despite this evidence, biophilic design principles have not been widely adopted in education spaces. There are all sorts of ways that biophilic design can be introduced into education…

June 11, 2017

Five Stars for +Positive spaces in Yelp’s Headquarters

Designers are optimists. They find the good in a space and work to enhance it, creating a positive impact on its inhabitants. The goal: to go beyond productivity and provide inspiration. Interface wants to celebrate these positive spaces. While few people would refer to a bank of airline seats as a positive space, it functioned…

May 23, 2017

Can +Positive Spaces Boost Worker Well-Being and Productivity?

There’s been a wealth of evidence in recent years demonstrating a clear and measurable link between the way a space is designed and the productivity of workers. Here at Interface, we believe that design of a space should enhance the mood, productivity and creativity of those using it. Positive design is about making a space…