Designing with Climate in Mind

Our New Sustainability Podcast

How can we truly design with climate in mind? Our podcast, hosted by Head of Sustainability EAAA Jon Khoo, takes an in-depth look into the ever-evolving world of sustainable design.

In each episode, Jon talks to some of the most knowledgeable and passionate experts to gain their unique perspective and insight on the challenges and changes impacting the future of the built environment.

Designing with Climate in Mind is released fortnightly and can be found on all major podcast directories, or you can listen using the players below.


Available Episodes

Episode 1 – Oliver Heath

Jon Khoo talks to Oliver Heath, an expert in the field of biophilic design, sustainable architecture and occupant well-being. They discuss how lockdown has resulted in a shift in mindset when it comes to design, explore the benefits of reconnecting people with nature through design and the sustainability challenges facing the built environment. Oliver also shares his tips for improving well-being both at home and at work.

You can discover more about Oliver Heath and his studio at and for more details on the Planted Cities event mentioned in the podcast, see


Episode 2 – Mark Shayler







In the second episode of the series, Jon sits down with eco-innovator, visionary public speaker and guru of all things sustainability, Mark Shayler. Mark and Jon discuss how we can all become better climate communicators despite the current challenges, as well as his formative experiences of music and his passion for Qigong (an ancient, martial-arts-based system of exercises in case you were wondering!).

To discover more about Mark, check out his profiles on Instagram or Twitter or his latest project –


Episode 3 – Dr Ella Gilbert







Dr Ella Gilbert talks to Jon about the growing environmental challenges she’s witnessed first-hand when working in the Antarctic, as well as her personal journey from being a climate activist to a climate scientist. Ella has worked with the British Antarctic Survey as an atmospheric physicist, and in this episode, Jon checks in on her research and how it will affect how architects design buildings. Ella also shares her experience of navigating the different tribes of climate change, finding balance and talking climate at her boxing gym.

You can discover more about Ella’s work through her profiles on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. In terms of Ella’s recommendations on finding out more about Climate Change, here are her recommendations – IPCC, Real Climate, Carbon Brief and Antarctic Glaciers.


Episode 4 – Claire Potter

Circular economy designer, lecturer and innovator, Claire Potter, joins Jon as the latest guest to contribute to Interface’s expert-led series.

Claire runs an award-winning design studio in Brighton, helping organisations create measurable change, through positive design. In the latest episode, she demystifies ‘the circular economy’ and outlines its importance in today’s society. Jon and Claire chat through creative ways to reduce waste and to turn it into an opportunity, whilst also considering how the next generation of designers are taking on this challenge.

If you would like to discover more about Claire Potter’s work and studio, check out her studio’s website or follow her on Instagram or Twitter.


Episode 5 – Munish Datta

What role should the built environment play when ensuring green recovery? In the fifth episode of our podcast series, Designing with Climate in Mind, Jon Khoo talks to Munish Datta, from the UK Green Building Council (UKGBC).

Having played a key role in designing and implementing Marks & Spencer’s award-winning Plan A sustainability strategy, and as a member of faculty at the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), Munish is one of the UK’s leading experts when it comes to corporate environmental responsibility. In this episode, the pair discuss the UKGBC’s current projects and lobbying, the responsibility of the construction industry to reduce its carbon emissions and the power of cross-sector collaboration. Munish and Jon also reflect on how current conversations around racial injustice and the issue of diversity represent both a significant challenge and important opportunity for the construction industry and beyond.

If you would like to find out more about the UK Green Building Council, head to their website, or connect with them on social media on either LinkedIn or Twitter. Here is the Impact Report (2019-2020) discussed in the podcast and you can find their work on Advancing Net Zero here. For Munish, you can follow him on Twitter here.


Episode 6 – Kresse Wesling

One person’s trash is another person’s treasure, or so they say. It’s this style of circular thinking that led Kresse Wesling MBE to create award-winning luxury, sustainable fashion brand, Elvis & Kresse. In the latest episode of our podcast series, Designing with Climate in Mind, Jon Khoo uncovers the incredible story behind Kresse’s success, as well as the powerful recycling innovations she’s working on which could reshape the way we look at waste.

Kresse and Jon reflect on unlocking the true power of responsible design. They explore what inspired the creation of the brand and how making waste beautiful, from discarded fire hose, to waste leather, to used tea sacks has seen them emerge as a cutting-edge disruptor within the fashion industry and beyond.

For more information about Elvis & Kresse, visit, or follow them on Instagram @ElvisandKresse.


Episode 7 – Michael Pawlyn

“There are some people who argue, and I think very convincingly, that we’re only really going to make progress with addressing the planetary emergency if we rethink the whole relationship that we have with the rest of the living world.” In the latest episode of our podcast series, Designing with Climate in Mind, renowned architect Michael Pawlyn, outlines why we can no longer be complacent with our response to the climate emergency – we need to take action.

As the founder of Exploration Architecture and co-founder of Architects Declare, Michael is a leading figure in the design community, inspiring action against the climate emergency. In this episode, Michael challenges us to push past the line of neutrality, and strive to have a positive impact on everything we do; to restore ecosystems, rebuild nature, and enhance and protect human wellbeing.

Exploring how our health and the planet’s are intrinsically linked, Jon Khoo and Michael also discuss the power of biomimicry, biodiversity loss and how we must address the challenges facing the planet or risk global health going into dramatic reverse.

If you’d like to find out more about Architects Declare and the events the group is involved in please visit their website. For more from Michael and the team at Exploration Architecture follow them on Twitter. And don’t forget to check out Michael’s brilliant Ted Talk.


Episode 8 – Paul Rose

In the eighth episode of our podcast, Designing with Climate in Mind, Jon talks to legendary explorer, Paul Rose, about the role of adventure in a green recovery and what that means for the design community. Paul is a renowned lover of nature, and his incredible career has seen him working on the frontline of environmental action and seeing the impact of climate change first-hand. From a decade as a base commander with the British Antarctic Survey, to serving as the Vice President of the Royal Geographic Society, to presenting BBC TV shows exploring our planet, Paul is one of the UK’s most respected climate communicators.

In this episode, Jon and Paul discuss the role of education in cultivating curiosity and a solutions-based mindset for the next generation of design professionals. Together, they explore how everyone can play their part in creating a more sustainable future, and how Paul’s incredible experiences have strengthened his resolve to help create a more climate conscious world.

If you’d like to find out more about Paul Rose and his work, visit or follow him on Instagram, @paulroseexplorer or on Twitter @Paul_Rose. During the podcast Paul mentions how the Global Biodiversity Festival pivoted due to COVID19, and you can find the book that captured the perspectives of over 60 scientists, explorers, conservationists and filmmakers here.


Episode 9 – Richard Walker

In recent years, Managing Director of Iceland, Richard Walker, has forged the way for a new era of supermarket sustainability. In the latest episode of our podcast, Designing with Climate in Mind, he talks to Jon Khoo about the astounding achievements Iceland has made by drastically reducing the amount of plastic on its shelves and removing palm oil from its own brand products. Plus, he discusses the backlash he’s at times faced while becoming one the industry’s most renowned environmental disrupters.

From Iceland’s legendary banned Christmas advert in 2018, to perspectives from his own time working in the built environment, this episode is full of unique insight from a titan of British retail. In many ways, Richard’s journey shares many parallels with Interface founder Ray Anderson, both leading companies to be unlikely heroes in responsible business. If you’re looking for a thought-provoking way to spend 45 minutes over the festive period, then episode 9 of our podcast series should definitely be added to your playlist.

You can follow Richard on Twitter @icelandrichard and to find out more about Iceland and its work around sustainability, visit


Episode 10 – Adam Strudwick

The tenth and final episode of series one of our podcast, Designing with Climate in Mind, is available to listen to now. It features special guest Adam Strudwick, who is Principal at architectural firm, Perkins & Will. Adam has built his career in the commercial workplace industry, supporting landmark projects across a range of locations around the world.

In 2020, Adam was pivotal to the launch of the Net-Zero Now report by Perkins & Will and Penoyre & Prasad, which was a gamechanger – setting out an industry-leading net-zero carbon plan for interiors. In this episode, Jon Khoo, Interface’s Head of Sustainability EAAA, and Adam explore the report’s background and impact, as well as the goal of creating workplaces that respond to the climate emergency, whilst being part of a green and inclusive recovery.

To discover more about the Net Zero Now report click here and for more information on Adam and the team at Perkins & Will head to or follow the firm on Instagram @PerkinsWill or Twitter @PerkinsWill and @PerkinsWill_LON


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4 responses to “Designing with Climate in Mind”

  1. We love interface products

  2. Anna Tyszkiewicz says:

    Really uplifting talk. Thank You.

    • Interface says:

      Thank you Anna, we are really glad you enjoyed the talk!

      – Interface

  3. Elizabeth Pamela Walker says:


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