Sustainability Enthusiast

August 30, 2017

Biophilic Design – The Key to Successful Designs in Hospitality

Just two years ago, Interface released a third-party verified research report titled “The Global Impact of Biophilic Design in the Workplace,” now known as the Human Spaces report. Our research results were astonishing. With over 7,500 people surveyed across the world, there was a reported 15% increase in perceived wellbeing and creativity and a 6%…

August 28, 2017

Actions Speak Louder than Labels

Sustainability isn’t easy. Although some product labels claim to be an indicator of health and/or environmental performance, many have little or no evaluation of the ultimate environmental or health impacts of a product. So, a label with a few check boxes does not necessarily mean that one product is more “sustainable” or “healthy” than another.…

July 20, 2017

Shifting the Game: A Discussion on Climate Change

“Are you really a carpet company?” asked the City of Toronto’s Chief Planner, Jennifer Keesmaat. “I am just so inspired by what you are doing and that is an unexpected outcome of being here this afternoon.” That’s just one of the comments I heard during an event that Interface and the David Suzuki Foundation convened…

February 24, 2017

Remembering Stephen Kellert

Known by many as the “Godfather of Biophilia”, Dr Stephen Kellert’s extensive works on implementing nature in design have had a profound influence on the way we create spaces. In a previous article, Dr Kellert discussed the possibility of using biophilic design as a framework for the built environment, recognising that buildings can advance the…