Climate Take Back

September 13, 2018

How +Positive Spaces Can Create a Healthier Planet

Can a built space not only have a positive impact on those who occupy it, but also on the environment outside the building? We believe the answer is yes. Buildings of the past simply focused on the function and aesthetics of a space. As construction processes evolved, it became apparent that some of the development,…

August 17, 2018

Factory as a Forest: Reimagining Facilities as Ecosystems

Interface has a history of looking to nature for inspiration. When the company first embraced sustainability in 1994, one of the first questions we asked was “If nature designed a company, how would it function?” This early thinking helped us create a framework to redesign our business to become one that had no negative impacts…

May 11, 2018

A Look Inside The Design Industry’s Most Sustainable Company

In 5 minutes with Jay Gould, CEO of Interface, we learn everything from how companies should look at sustainability as a design problem to what having zero negative impact really means. More than two decades ago – before, that is, watchwords like ‘sustainability’ and ‘biosphere’ garnered attention – Interface declared a rather bold move. Seeking…

March 25, 2018

GreenBiz 2018: The New Carbon Economy and Other Observations

This year at GreenBiz, our Chief Sustainability Officer Erin Meezan participated in a panel called “Building a New Carbon Economy: Strategies for Turning Waste Carbon from Liability to Asset.” We sat down to unravel what that really means and how businesses can work alongside academia, non-government organizations and government to build this new “economy.”  …

March 2, 2018

Addressing Ocean Plastics with NextWave and the Circular Economy

There is an African proverb that states, If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want go far, go together. This is certainly true in the circular economy. We are increasingly seeing companies realise the power and value of collaboration. Just recently, a cross-industry consortium of companies joined forces to tackle the global…

February 1, 2018

Top Sustainability Trends for 2018

To state the obvious, 2017 was quite the unpredictable year. While sustainable business leaders and climate advocates knew there’d be inevitable changes with a new U.S. presidency, few could have anticipated just how volatile the past 12 months were. From the U.S. federal administration’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Accord to the Environmental Protection…