Sustainability Enthusiast

August 30, 2017

Biophilic Design – The Key to Successful Designs in Hospitality

Just two years ago, Interface released a third-party verified research report titled “The Global Impact of Biophilic Design in the Workplace,” now known as the Human Spaces report. Our research results were astonishing. With over 7,500 people surveyed across the world, there was a reported 15% increase in perceived wellbeing and creativity and a 6%…

September 29, 2016

Diversifying Community Livelihoods With Seaweed Farms in the Philippines

As part of Net-Works, we’re helping communities find ways to diversify their livelihoods in order to avoid total reliance on fishing. The process of cultivating and harvesting seaweed has developed in the Philippines and throughout Asia as an accessible alternative for fishing communities. Eucheuma, a red sea-plant native to Philippine marine waters, has been described…

September 15, 2016

Building Biomimetic Cities: An Interview with Melissa Sterry

Melissa Sterry is a design scientist and systems theorist. We interviewed her on biodesign, biomimetic cities, and more. Melissa is recognised as a world leading authority on the science, technology and thinking that could help build a better world. We tend to focus on the macrocosm of the city but you’ve shown there’s much to…