Human Spaces — Latest Posts

Can We Identify “Healthy” Products?

April 22, 2015

What’s hot in green building right now? No, global warming isn’t hot, despite growing alarm about extreme weather events. What’s hot is health. Specifically anything related to the potential health impacts of building products. The rise of the WELL Building Standard and the addition of a day-long Materials and Human Health Summit to Greenbuild provide…

Sick Building Syndrome and the Importance of Good Air Quality

April 20, 2015

We are all familiar with the term ‘Sick Building Syndrome’ as a term that is bandied around to imply an unhealthy environment to be in. But what makes a building ‘sick’? And what are its effects? Sick Building Syndrome affects the well-being of those who spend time within it. The symptomatic effects are a sore…

Sunlight and Nature: Positive Medication in Healthcare Spaces

April 17, 2015

It is almost impossible to discuss biophilic design in healthcare without mentioning this 1981 seminal study on recovery times during post operative care after gall bladder surgery by professor Roger Ulrich of Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. This fascinating study investigates whether a view out to nature from their room had any effect on…

Biophilia: Sustainability Meets Health & Well-Being

March 27, 2015

Places we naturally love turn out to be good for us! We can now scientifically verify the physiological viability of our designs, by measuring pulse rate, blood pressure, heart rate variability (HRV), electro-dermal response, hormonal & adrenal response, brain wave activity, eye movements & muscle tension. Biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology & neuroscience have begun…

Rethinking Office Space: Google’s Vision on Building Design

March 23, 2015

Like a number of big tech companies, Google is growing fast. In the past they have acquired/hired existing buildings, but recently they have presented their vision for great office spaces, which they will build from scratch. “The idea is simple. Instead of constructing immoveable concrete buildings, we’ll create lightweight block-like structures which can be moved…

The Bullitt Center: Raising the Bar with the Living Building Challenge

March 17, 2015

Known for his high risk efforts in advancing an eco-friendly mission for decades, Denis Hayes, president of the Bullitt Foundation, has fueled the ever-growing environmental movement in America since he organized the first Earth Day in conjunction with then-Wisconsin senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970. Thanks to his efforts as a leader on environmental issues, sustainable…

Featured Contributor

Mindy O'Gara

With a passion for design and learning, Mindy O’Gara blends both of these talents into her daily role as Director of Product and Learning Experience at Interface.

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