Textures, Materials & Patterns

June 10, 2021

Reimagining the Workplace for a Post-COVID World

As we’re all learning to navigate a new normal, laying the grounds for an office where employees feel comfortable starts and ends with safety. It’s about adapting the workplace to solve issues like distancing, wayfinding, acoustics, and sustainability – all while maintaining a sense of style. 

March 24, 2021

Why Ikigai is the Design Philosophy We All Need Right Now

Whether organising your way to happiness or embracing hygge, the Danish philosophy of cosy living, it always seems that just when you catch up to a design craze, insiders are already on to the next. So while the ascendance of ​Ikigai​ was intriguing, skepticism seemed wise. ​Ikigai​, which translates to “having a purpose” in English, is of Japanese origin, associated with the feeling of self-fulfillment earned by pursuing a meaningful life. Today, it’s being embraced by the creative community.

May 1, 2020

Designing for Distance

Undoubtedly, you’ve been part of the ongoing speculation driving the design world: What does the office look like after COVID-19? What will change? What won’t? While it’s hard to know what the full impact of the coronavirus looks like at this moment, design will play a huge role in how safe we feel in our physical spaces.